Here you can find two different sets of instructions depending on who you would like to play Spicify with: a group of friends or a special person. We also integrated a couple of “extra” modes to bring even more variety to the game.
Quick note before the first match: when you open the game for the first time you will notice that the last three cards of the left deck (Team 1) belong to the “Team 2”, move them to the other deck. The last six cards of the right deck (Team 2) are the wildcards and are not part of either decks, but allow to play Spicify in a even wilder mode. Keep reading for instructions and have fun!
Spicify Groups’ Version Rules
Ready to spice up the party? Here is what you need to do.
Number of Players
From 4 to 16
Goal of the Game
Defeat the opposing team by scoring more points
How to Play
Form two teams, each composed of both males and females. Try to keep their number even in each team (it’s recommended but not mandatory). Each team should have the same number of players. If the number of players is odd, in each turn a different player in the larger team can either skip the turn. Each player sits next to another of the opposing team, forming a circle.
There are two decks of cards, recognizable from their back. The Cold Deck is composed by two sets “Cold Set 1” and “Cold Set 2” and includes easier challenges that assign less points, whereas the Hot Deck includes two sets “Hot Set 1” and “Hot Set 2” and offers harder ones but also provides higher points.
In each set there are 26 different challenges, for a total of 52 unique ones. All challenges have a double, one copy for Team 1 and one copy for Team 2. In each game there are also 6 “modifiers” cards: 3 modifiers act on the sex of the partner for the challenge and 3 on the way the partner has to be picked. These modifiers can be used to make the challenges more unpredictable, as it will be explained shortly.
Decide which team begins and with which sets you want to play, you can choose to play with only one, or both at the same time. Just make sure that both teams play with cards that overall have the same score for an even match.
Each game contains two decks with the same cards, one for each team. At each turn a player draws a card from one of the decks in game assigned to his/her team and can either accept of refuse the proposed challenge.
Each card describes:
- The number of points earned or lost by the team if the challenge is accepted or refused by the player
- The challenge to take
- The penalty to perform to limit the number of points lost when refusing a challenge
- A symbol “Partner” which indicates whether the partner can be of either sex or the opposite sex. If you decide to play with the modifiers, three of them act on this detail of the challenge, overwriting what the card says. These modifiers can indeed be: partner of either sex, partner of the opposite sex or partner of the same sex (option available only using modifiers).
Either Sex Icon
Opposite Sex Icon
No partner
- A symbol “Clothes” that shows what both partners should wear during the challenge:
Fully Dressed: just keep everything on
Bra and Pants: take off your shirt
Bikini for girls, underwear for boys
Topless for girls, underwear for boys
No Clothes!
Some cards offer challenges to be taken solo. In this case the player can:
- Accept the challenge and score points for his/her team,
- Refuse the challenge and lose the maximum amount of points for the team,
- Accept a penalty losing less points for the team.
Other cards offer challenges to be played with a partner. In this case, the player drawing the card has to either accept or refuse the challenge, then pick the partner from the opposing team, randomly or at his/her choice, depending on the card. Modifiers, if you decide to use them, can act also on this detail of the challenge, modifying the way you should pick the partner for the challenge. The three partner modifiers can be: pick a partner of your choice, pick a random partner or let the other team decide the partner (which is an option available only using modifiers).
If the player of the opposing team accepts the challenge, his/her team receives the same number of points of the team whose player drew the card. No points are lost if he/she refuses, but the player who drew the card can perform the challenge with a player of his/her own team to earn the points only for his/her team.
If no partner is found even in the same team of the player, no points are lost by either of the teams.
After each challenge the points scored or loss by either or both teams are noted and the card played is removed from the game.
The game ends when there are no more cards to play in any deck in game.
Gameplay quick reference sheet
Here is a quick graphical description of the gameplay to dive straight into the action. You can always check instructions again when you are in doubt.
Variations and suggestions
Using modifiers
If you want to make each challenge even more unpredictable, although at the cost of making each challenge score a bit less appropriate to the challenge itself, it is possible to use the 6 modifiers to “overwrite” at each turn two details of the challenge compared to what the card states. The two sets of modifiers (3 cards per type) act on these choices: sex of the partner and the way the partner is picked for the challenge.
To use modifiers, divide them by type (you can easily recognize them from their different back). Those with the back of the card on the left in the picture below modify the choice of the partner: picked by you, randomly or by the opposing team. Those with the back like the card on the right instead modify the sex that your partner has to be: either sex, opposite sex or same sex.
Keep the modifiers separated from the decks in game and pass them from one player to another at each turn.
At each turn, if the player who draws the card picks a challenge that involves a partner, he/she will have to pick a modifier for the choice of the partner and a modifier among those regarding his/her sex and prioritize what these modifiers say over what the card says. Let’s make an example: a player picks the card of the first Cold Set with score +11/-6 which says “Sit on the lap of a partner of your choice, facing him/her, for one minute” and on the lower left corner indicates that the partner hast o be picked of the opposite sex. Then the same players draws the modificator that says “Partner picked by the opposite team” and for the choice of sex “Partner of the same sex”. To accept the challenge he/she will have to perform the challenge with a partner of the same sex chosen by the opposite team. Using Modifiers the 52 challenges available gain 5 variations each, for a total of 312 different possibilities.
Challenge Score Modification
One backer of the project on Kickstarter suggested an interesting variant to make the game spicier or milder depending on what the players feel like doing in that moment. Clearly this modification impacts heavily on the gameplay proposed by Spicify but it could be appropriate for some players and thus we propose it here.
Basically, instead of performing the challenge wearing exactly what the card states, the players involved can increase the number of points assigned removing more clothes (+1 for each cloth removed) or lower the score by keeping more clothes on than the card allows (-1 for each additional cloth kept on).
Suggestions and Recommendations to Play
Each of the Cold and Hot Sets have cards with 13 different scores, for the Cold Set they go from +2/-1 up to +14/-7, whereas for the Hot Set the minimum is +10/-10 and the maximum is +22/-22.
Each Cold and Hot Set is identified by a number, 1 or 2, and each card has on its back the number of the Team to which it is assigned.
You can play with either only one of the Cold or Hot Sets per team, chosing a different one per team, or even the same one for each time, or to play with all the cards of the set at the same time, the choice is yours.
Same goes with decks, you can play with just the cold one, or the hot one, or both together. Just keep in mind that a match with 13 different challenges lasts between 45 to 90 minutes, depending on how much time you like to spend on each challenge and considering that most of the challenges are accepted. If challenges are refused, the game lasts a shorter amount of time.
Our suggestion is to start with the Cold Set, once the ice is broken and everyone is feeling more comfortable, you can give a try to the Hot Set and see how far you can go 😉
The easiest way to pick the random partner is to have players count the number of the score assigned by the card when accepted among the different players eligible for the challenge, which depends for example if you have to pick a partner of either sex or of the opposite sex. The person picked when the counts end will be your random partner for the challenge.
Counting points sometimes can be tricky if you do not remember to sum up correctly the points for your team when a player of the opposite team played a card with you. Our suggestion is to pick two players who keep scores and always wait for them to add (or subtract) the points to their counter before continue playing. Remember to add points also to the opposing team when they accept the challenge!
When playing with only 4 or 6 players, it can happen to have the same challenge repeated with the same two players. It does not mean that what will happen will be the same (everyone has his/her own approach), but if you want to add more variability, you can opt for picking one set for each time. In this way every challenge faced during the match will be different for every player.
Spicify Couples’ Version Rules
When playing with a special friend the game needs to be adapted a bit. Here you can find a modified version of the rules that allow two players to play together.
Number of Players
Goal of the Game
Score more points than the opposing player (Not really, the goal is to have fun together 😉 )
How to Play
Before beginning, each player chooses a “prize” to receive if they win the game.
There are two decks of cards, recognizable from their back. The Cold Deck is composed by two sets “Cold Set 1” and “Cold Set 2” and includes easier challenges that assign less points, whereas the Hot Deck includes two sets “Hot Set 1” and “Hot Set 2” and offers harder ones but also provides higher points.
Decide which player begins and with which sets you want to play, you can choose to play with only one, or both at the same time.
Each set contains two decks with the same cards. Either pick the decks marked as Team 1 or Team 2, discard the others. Players draw cards in turn from one of the decks in game and can either accept of refuse the proposed challenge.
Each card describes:
- The number of points earned or lost by the player if the challenge is accepted or refused
- The challenge to take
- The penalty to perform to limit the number of points lost when refusing a challenge
- A symbol “Partner” which indicates whether the partner can be of either sex or the opposite sex
Either Sex Icon
Opposite Sex Icon
No partner
- A symbol “Clothes” that shows what both partners should wear during the challenge:
Fully Dressed: just keep everything on
Bra and Pants: take off your shirt
Bikini for girls, underwear for boys
Topless for girls, underwear for boys
No Clothes!
Some cards offer challenges to be taken solo. In this case the player can: accept the challenge (and score points), refuse the challenge (and lose the maximum amount of points) or accept a penalty (losing a smaller amount of points).
Other cards offer challenges to be played with a partner. In this case, the player drawing the card has to either accept or refuse the challenge, than ask the other player to join. Being two obviously means that the partner will always be your opponent, regardless of what the card says.
If the opposing player accepts the challenge, he/she receives the same number of points of the player who drew the card.
If he/she refuses, a number of points equal to those of the penalty of the card are subtracted from his/her score. No point is lost by the player who drew the card.
After each challenge the points scored or lost by one or both players are noted and the card played is removed from the game.
The game ends when there are no more cards to play in any deck in game.
The player who scored more points is rewarded
with the prize chosen.