An Unusual Bachelorette Party
Maybe one of the few common things in any bachelorette party is that only girls are invited. Although there are many fun idea for a girl-only party, if you happen to have many guys among your friends, you might feel guilty excluding them from the party. That is why the bachelorette party that eventually lead us to Spicify The Game began from a completely different starting point: let’s have guys involved in the party as well!
When and where
In the planning of bachelorette party, first of all, you need to set a when and where.
The first is usually an easy question to answer, you do not want to celebrate too close to the wedding, so that the soon-to-be Bride can recover and get back to a candid and pure state, ideal for the ceremony. You also do not want it to be too early, or it will lack the right connection with the wedding itself.
The “Where” instead can be a tricky question to answer, also because it depends on the date that you choose. In summer, locations on the seaside are a good option: plenty of venues, parties, good weather and that little bit of naked skin that pleases the eye. In other times of the year instead large cities are those to be preferred. Here you can find more nightlife and during the day you can still spend some time visiting the city, shopping, or simply relax wherever you prefer (spa are always a good idea!). Where to go might also depend on the group preferences, if everyone is passionate about mountain climbing, well… the seaside or a city will not be the best candidates.
In our case the wedding was taking place in early July, so the beginning of June was a good idea, considering local holidays. The destination of choice was Barcelona, there you can find a bit of everything: a vivid nightlife, many things to do and see during the day, and you can take a bath in the Mediterrean Sea as well.

Photo by Matty Adame on Unsplash
What to do
Once when and where are set you need to think about what to do.
This is where things get interesting. First of all you need to take into account the Bride’s interests and taste, she is the one you are celebrating. That will give you a nice starting point and from there on you can start to spice up things a bit; it is a bachelorette party after all… If you are not sure about how far to push on the throttle you can involve her in a question game during the planning of the party and see what she answers and what are her reactions. You can then decide how much to try to challenge her out of her comfort zone.
Some ideas involve having a theme for a party or for one or each of the nights you are going to spend together. Defining a theme can help to decide the activities and the Bride’s and other girls’ outfit. Some themes can be more adventurous than others. Whether you are more into Wild West, Princesses or Sexy themes, take some time to think about venues or parties that suit your preferences and make sure you hang out in the right place, or pick a place you like and get ready to attract more attention than usual, it is not that bad!
Another classic of a bachelorette party is the use of accessories and props that everyone should wear or carry with them. The idea is to make the group look coherent, it can be something as simple as a custom shirt or an accessory of the same color but you can really go far on this if you let your imagination take the lead. For the Bride you can always be a bit wilder so that she will gather the most of the attentions from the crowd. Something distinctive is what you are looking for, and if you are into phallic symbols, you can find plenty of funny items on the web that can help you with that. If you need some inspiration, make sure you check some cool ideas for bachelorette parties.
Our story and how Spicify was born
Getting back to our unusual party, our beloved Brides were not in the mood for any fake penis, crazy shirts and “classic stuff” so we needed to think about something different to make the party a bit wilder. Moreover, having boys involved was a great opportunity to do something different.
The idea was to go for a vacation together and do what you usually do on a trip with friends: walk around the city, enjoy good food and drinks, relax on the open-air, party and clubbing during the night. Given the location and the time of the year it was not difficult to expect good fun even without trying too hard, but we wanted to make sure to add something unique to the experience. Thus, we designed a sexy card game inspired by some of the games you most likely played as kids or teens like “Truth or Dare” and the “Bottle Game”. If you ever played them you will remember either good fun and / or some embarrassment. But we are no longer kids so, as everyone was definitely 18+ we added some naughtiness to them thinking about sexier challenges going anywhere from an “innocent” full-of-desire glance to a partner to wild and challenging ones like a full monty striptease. We modified also the gameplay, making it a game to play in two teams competing for the victory, how did we call it? Try to guess… Spicify!
We played it one of the evenings before going to dinner, which is usually pretty late in Spain…If you are wondering about how the evening turned out we can only say that some things need to be lived to be fully enjoyed, but we can ensure you it was really good fun!
Get now Spicify, available at our shop!